Check for Program Updates – this sets how often the software will check to see if there is an update the default is monthly.The EULA (end users license agreement) – you must accept the agreement for the program file to remain open.When the software opens for the first time, there are two forms that are shown: Select the software program file (spcforexcelv5.xlam).Browse to the folder containing the software program file (SPC for Excel Program Files).Select Browse for Excel 2016 (or Select for Excel 2011).The next step is to make the software an Excel add-in so it will be present when you open Excel. SPC for Excel Program Files: this folder contains the program file, which is named “spcforexcelv5.xlam.”.V5 Example Data Files: this folder contains 10 Excel workbooks that can be used to learn how to use the software these workbooks include the data that is used in the help files to explain how the software works.So, be sure you have placed the folder in a location where it will remain.

If you complete the installation as shown below and then move the folder to a new location, Excel will not be able to find the program.

Preventing SPC for Excel from Opening Each Time Excel Opens.The downloaded file is named “SPC for Excel Mac.zip”. The file has been downloaded from the website. Follow the instructions below to install the software on the Mac.